Disciplinary Procedures and Rules

Following any game in which an expulsion penalty is assessed (“Misconduct” or “Match”) to a participant on either team, both head coaches must report the occurrence to the ERRA Competitions Coordinator gt_coord@easternregionringette.ca, NCRRL info@ncrrl.on.ca,  copying Ringette Ontario Membership membership@ringetteontario.com . The division convenor should also be copied.

These reports must be made within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident occurring, or prior to the team’s next game, whichever is earlier. Coaches should also note that the requirement to contact the Competitions coordinator applies to any game (including exhibition games), not just NCRRL league games.

Please see the Eastern Region Suspensions and Expulsions page: http://easternregionringette.ca/page.php?page_id=39318  for additional details.

Reviews and Formal Hearings

The NCRRL is responsible for all disciplinary matters arising out of NCRRL league games. This responsibility extends to any disciplinary matters arising out of Eastern Region teams participating in the Ligue élite de ringuette du Québec (LERQ) / LRQ (in conjunction with any disciplinary action that may be taken by the LERQ / LRQ).

An internal review and possible formal hearing will occur for games under NCRRL jurisdiction as a result of:

  • any Misconduct penalty
  • in any single game an individual accumulating ten (10) minutes of penalty time
  • an individual accumulating a season-total of forty (40) minutes of penalty time
  • a team found to have an average PIM per game greater than both ten (10) minutes and 50% more PIM than the mean for their division.

A formal hearing will be held in the event of any Match penalty in a game under NCRRL jurisdiction.

In the event of a Formal Hearing:

  • The player or team official appearing before the hearing panel is not permitted to participate in any league, tournament or exhibition game until the review process is complete and all assessed suspensions and supplementary discipline, if applicable, have been served.
  • The review will be chaired by the NCRRL Discipline Chair
  • The review panel will include three to five objective members, including the NCRRL RIC (or designate), from a common pool within the region. 

Misconduct Penalties

A misconduct penalty results in a next game suspension regardless of when the player or coaching staff received it and is subject to review by the Home Association of the offending player(s) and/or coaching staff and may be subject to a League Judicial Hearing. Recurrence in the same season by the same player or same coaching staff shall result in an automatic two (2) game suspension and be subject to a League Judicial Hearing.

Per Ringette Ontario Competition Playing Rules article 4.8:  When a bench staff is asked to leave a game and no penalty is recorded on the game sheet, they are considered to have been assessed a misconduct penalty and they will be suspended for the next regularly scheduled game. 

Match Penalties

Match Penalties will result in:

  1. Automatic three (3) game suspension if received during the game.
  2. Automatic five (5) game suspension if received after the game or after the player in question has been asked to leave the ice and return to the dressing room.

The occurrence of a match penalty will automatically be subject to a League Judicial Hearing. Re-occurrence by the same player or same coaching staff of (a) results in an automatic five (5) game suspension and of (b) results in an automatic ten (10) game suspension and is subject to a League Judicial Hearing.

All hearings are to be convened within ten (10) days of the penalty being assessed.

All game suspensions are to be served in the next one (1), two (2), three (3), or more consecutive number of games (not including any Exhibition Games) depending upon the number of suspended games. Please note that if there is a tournament that the player's team is registered in, which occurs during the period of the suspension, the player will have to serve the suspension during the tournament until the suspension is complete. This is monitored between the League, ERRA, and Ringette Ontario.

Excessive Penalties:

A Head Coach whose team receives thirty (30) minutes in accumulated penalty time in regulation play (overtime is exempt) shall be suspended from the next regularly scheduled game. Should that person be the coach on more than one team, the one game suspension must be served with the team that received the excessive penalties.

A player who receives ten (10) minutes in accumulated penalty time, overtime included, shall be ejected from the remainder of the game. The player shall be suspended from the next regularly scheduled game.

All excessive penalties (ten (10) minutes in a game for a player or thirty (30) minutes in a game for a coach) must be reported to the ERRA Competitions coordinator within twenty-four (24) hours by both teams, or prior to the next schedule game - whichever is sooner.

Any game suspension, whether for misconduct penalty, excessive player penalties or excessive team penalties must be reported to gt_coord@easternregionringette.ca, info@ncrrl.on.ca and membership@ringetteontario.com by the coaches of both teams within twenty-four (24) hours or before the next scheduled game - whichever is sooner.

When a misconduct or match penalty or an excessive penalty call has been assessed, the coaches of both teams must also contact the League Age Group Convener within twenty-four (24) hours. The Home Association of the offending player(s) and/or coaching staff must report back to the League Executive before the next scheduled game.

If coaches do not comply with the above rule, they will be suspended, with the suspension being the same as the player(s) or coaching staff involved.

If an Association does not report or comply with the above, it will be subject to suspension by the League for the rest of the season.

Altercations occurring off-ice, e.g., on the way to the dressing room, shall be subject to review by the League Judicial Committee regardless of whether a match or misconduct penalty is imposed.

These altercations occurring off-ice must be reported to the game referee immediately.

In the event a match, misconduct penalty or altercation results in a League Judicial Review of the actions of any player or any member of the coaching staff, the Head Coach is also personally subject to review and discipline. 

Excessive Team Penalties:

The age level convenor will contact any team if both of the following two conditions are met:

  • The team in question is averaging more than ten (10) penalty minutes per game, and
  • The team in question is averaging 50% more penalty minutes than the average for the division.

If a team exceeds on both qualifiers, the age level convener will contact the team coach by e-mail and copy the respective association president. The convener will ask that the association work with the coach to reduce the number of penalties going forward to avoid any possible discipline from the league.

A follow up review will be performed and if at that time the team in question has not dropped down below the acceptable levels, the respective coach and president will be required to meet with the league discipline committee for an in-person discussion.  The coach may face disciplinary action at that point.


  • In a situation where LERQ rules do not exist, NCRRL rules will apply.
  • Players or bench staff receiving their second or third match or misconduct penalties in the same season are subject to greater suspensions.
  • It is the responsibility of the home association of the players or people involved to ensure all suspensions are fully served.

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